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In a child’s mind even the simplest objects can become the most adventurous challenge! There are dozens of classic group games for kids to discover using our products, but here’s a few of our favorites to start.

We incorporate sensory integration, balance, coordination, proprioception, motor planning, gross motor skills, and cognitive skills into our designs, to allow your childs imagination to run wild!


Kids also love creating their own games so once they’ve learned a few, encourage them to craft their own.



Giant Turtle Shell:

Everyone raises the parachute toy high to catch air to create their turtle shell – try walking around in a circle at the same time too.

Popcorn Popper:

Throw on as many balls as you can and pop them around until they all fall off, popping them like popcorn.

All Change:

Everyone raises the parachute and the leader calls out a command (1st name starts with A or N) then those kids call out their name and swap places underneath the parachute before it falls.

Making Waves:

Children can make small, medium, or large movements to make various types of “waves.” You can incorporate a story about a ship on the sea, weather, etc. &/or use your voice as a tool to emphasize directives.


Children turn their bodies sideways and hold the chute with one hand. They then walk around in a circle, making a “Merry-Go-Round.” For variety, children can hop, skip, jump, etc. You can stop music as a cue to reverse and go the other direction.

Poison Snakes:

Place three or four jump ropes onto the chute. Shake the parachute to keep the snakes from “biting” (touching) you.

Parachute Tag:

Lift the parachute high into the air. Call out two children’s names. They must trade empty spots by running under the chute, before it comes down on them.


Try to keep a ball rolling only along the outer edge of the parachute around the circle. As it comes toward you, cooperatively lower your edge. Just past you, raise it.

See-Saw Pull:

From a sitting position, have children pull the parachute back and forth in a cooperative see-saw motion.

Shoe Shuffle:

Count off. All of a selected number take off one shoe and throw it in the middle. On the count of three, raise the chute, and the designated children have to run under and find their shoe before the chute comes down.

Flying Saucer:

All take one step forward upon lifting the chute in the air. Upon command, all let go, and watch as it slowly floats.

Ball in the Bucket:

Break into two or more “teams.” Each team will have a different colored ball (or balls.) They will try to keep their color ball from going into the middle circle, while trying to get the other teams’ color of ball(s) into the hole.



Indoor Obstacle Course:

Add the stones to your very own indoor obstacle course. Use sheets, pillows, cardboard and whatever else you can find around the house while incorporating your stone set.

The floor is lava:

Have you ever played “the floor is lava” with your kiddos? The goal is to keep off the “lava” ground by jumping from surface to surface. Stepping stones allow your children to play this popular game without worrying about the status of your furniture!

Identify colors

These stones can even be used for identifying and learning colors. Ask your child to step to the ‘blue’ stone, ‘red’ stone and so on. They’ll know their colors is no time!

Balance hop:

Hop from one stone to the other using only one leg. Make this a challenge by children getting ‘out’ if any leg touches the floor.

Number hop:

Place numbers next to the stone in order to number them. Ask your child to hop to a given number and stop, as with the color game above. This is a great fun and interactive way for your little one to get to know their numbers. You could do the same with letters of the alphabet!

Hiding treasure:

A classic twist on the old magicians trick. Have your child hide some treasure under one of the stones, and mix them up before getting you to choose where the treasure lies!


jump across the stones without falling off while chasing one another around in a circle.

Balance on one foot challenge

Need some friendly competition and have a few kiddos around? Have each child try to stand on one foot on a stone. Who can do this the longest without falling off?

Garden Path:

Using two sets is a good idea for this one, space them out to create a path that your child can walk on through their very own “garden”. Place your garden objects randomly on the ground along this path. As your child steps from one stone to another, ask her to pick you a some gorgeous garden flowers, or even some sticks for your firewood…let your imagination run wild. The challenge for the child is to stay on those stepping stones as she walks and as squats down to pick up the objects. Every child LOVES this challenge and it gets more creative as time passes.

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